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The project Sustainable social and educational integration through sports activities, launched by UNEFS in the presence of 120 guests

The National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest, in partnership with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, organized, on September 9, 2019, the launching conference of the predefined project Sustainable social and educational integration through sports activities.

In front of 120 guests took the word the Rector of UNEFS Bucharest, university professor Dr. Florin Pelin, the project coordinator, university professor Dr. Gabriel Ghițescu (UNEFS Bucharest), the representative of the partners from Norway, university professor Aage Radman (National School of Sport Sciences ), from the Norwegian Embassy, ​​the counselor on issues related to the EEA and Norwegian grants, Mrs. Grete Kristine Ødegaard, the COSR representative, Mr. Florin Mișcă, the president of the Sports Press Association, Mr. Dumitru Graur and the former councilor on minorities in the Ministry of National Education, Mr. Vasile Burtea.

The project benefits from a grant of € 4,450,000 provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants under the Local Development Program.

The objective of the project is to facilitate the educational and social integration of a number of 2,600 children at risk of exclusion, selected from the 8 development regions of the country, through integrated activities based on sport.
