Local Development Programme, stage assessment: 53 funded projects, with planned activities in over 600 localities, in 40 counties
3 years after its start, the funds available under the Local Development Programme have reached over 600 localities in Romania, distributed in all regions of the country. Through the EEA and Norway Grants, to which is added the financial contribution of the Romanian Government, some of the most vulnerable local communities benefit during this period from direct measures to increase access to educational and social services and their quality, interventions aimed at inclusion social support of members of Roma communities, but also support for improving the capacity of local authorities to put into practice the principles of good governance.
Through the 5 calls for projects organized within the Local Development Programme and whose results have already been materialized by signing financing contracts, the Romanian Social Development Fund has allocated, by the end of July 2021, funds totaling over 41 million, a total of 51 projects. To these are added two (out of the three) predefined projects, with a total value of over 7.6 million euros, included in the Programme since its preparation phase and in advanced stages of implementation.
The 53 projects funded so far are taking place in 40 counties and in Bucharest. The only county where no activities are provided through the funded projects is Sălaj County. On the other hand, the most consistent interventions supported by the Local Development Programme are in Bacău County. Here, for example, 89 localities in the county (along with 161 other localities in Neamț, Iași and Vaslui counties) are included in the project “GLORIA – integrated assistance for victims of domestic and gender violence”, funded under the call Local Development and carried out by the Institute of Forensic Medicine Iasi, while the project “ASIGUR -, Bacau and Vrancea – Area of Integrated Services Governed locally with Respect Bacau and Vrancea, also funded by the call Local Development and whose promoter is the General Directorate of Child Social Assistance and Protection Bacău, addresses a number of 39 communes in the county.