International Roma Day: Happy birthday to all Roma in Romania and everywhere!
On International Roma Day, FRDS reaffirms its commitment since 2007, with the launch of the Priority Intervention Program, to actively contribute to improving living conditions and increasing the social inclusion of Roma in Romania. We recall in this context that the #LocalDevelopment Programme administered by...
VIDEO. Projects funded by the Local Development Programme carried out actions to reduce the social and economic effects of COVID-19 among disadvantaged groups
Two projects financed under the Poverty Alleviation restricted call, namely, the ones implemented by Salvation Army and Cluj Metropolitan Area is conducting measures to reduce the social and economic effects of COVID-19. On the one hand, in the context of the prevention of illnesses with the...
EEA and Norway grants for local development and increased inclusion of disadvantaged groups
The Romanian Social Development Fund (FRDS) is launching on Thursday, September 13, 2018, in an official framework the Programme "Local Development and Poverty Reduction, Enhanced Roma Inclusion", which will finance measures aimed at increasing the use of social services to disadvantaged groups and social inclusion...
The RSDF informs that its activity as a Program Operator continues in normal parameters
The RSDF informs that its activity as a Program Operator continues in normal parameters, the whole team working in order to implement in good condition the Local Development Programme. We encourage Project Promoters to request, by electronic means, the support of our specialists for any problem...
The Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment call for proposals: The RSDF extends the period assigned to the formal evaluation stage of the project proposals submitted
The RSDF announced on Thursday, March 12, 2020, that the period related to the formal verification (administrative compliance and eligibility) of the project proposals submitted within the Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment call for proposals is extended until March 25, 2020. ...
21 projects are to be analyzed during the content evaluation stage
On Tuesday, March 24, 2020, the RSDF published the list of projects submitted within Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment call for proposals, projects which will enter in the stage of content evaluation. Check the list ...
The RSDF announces the suspension of all activities with the public
In the context of the increased risk of illness with the COVID-19 virus and following the official recommendations regarding the prevention measures, the RSDF announces the suspension of all activities with the public between March 13 - April 22, 2020, with the possibility of extending...
The list of projects submitted within Local Development call for proposals
Tuesday, March 3, 2020, the RSDF published the list of projects submitted within the Local Development call for proposals, the deadline for submission being February 25, 2020. Check the list ...
Over 170 representatives of public administration of Romania, Moldova, and Norway, at the launching conference of the predefined project “Improving access and quality of services for citizens – a transparent and responsible public administration”
The Association of Communes of Romania - ACoR, the Association of Local and Regional Authorities of Norway - KS and the Association of Municipalities of Romania - AMR, organized, on Wednesday, February 19, 2020, the Opening Conference of the project "Improving access and quality of...
A new Norwegian entity is interested in partnerships on projects financed under the Local Development Programme
Good news for those interested in projects financed under the Local Development Programme! Åpenhet is a Norwegian GovTech and DataViz SME based in Oslo and Paris interested in partnerships on projects financed under the Local Development Programme. Åpenhet is specialized in good public governance and...