Practitioners and human rights experts from Romania, Norway, Bulgaria, and Slovakia gathered in Bucharest in March to share experiences and best practices in the field
On Thursday, March 7, 2024, the Romanian Social Development Fund (FRDS) organized an international conference in Bucharest on best practices in human rights protection. Hosted under the Local Development Programme and funded by its Bilateral Fund allocation, the event aimed to facilitate the transfer of...
The Local Development Programme and its results, promoted through a short video material
Last week, the Romanian Social Development Fund (FRDS) launched a short clip promoting the results of the "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Increasing Roma Inclusion" Programme (Local Development), a programme that is aproaching its end. Addressed to the general public, the video captures the way...
Additional funds allocated to the Local Development Programme, for improving the living conditions of vulnerable people
The Financial Mechanism Committee and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, representing the donor states, respectively the Ministry of European Investments and Projects from Romania, through the General Directorate of Non-Reimbursable European Financial Mechanisms and Instruments (National Contact Point), agreed in...
Cincizeci de comunități dezavantajate din județele Bihor și Timiș au acces la servicii integrate de sprijin, printr-un proiect al Institutului Național de Sănătate Publică, finanțat din Granturile Norvegiene
Prin intermediul a 8 centre comunitare integrate nou-înființate, peste 1.000 de persoane vulnerabile din 50 de comunități rurale din județele Bihor și Timiș au avut acces la servicii sociale, medicale și educaționale de calitate, în ultimul an. Centrele au fost înființate în localitățile Buziaș, Periam,...
RSDF office relocation
Until August 8, 2022, we are in the process of moving from the headquarter located in 1 Eugeniu Carada street, in Bucharest, which is why we cannot be contacted via telephone lines. We apologize for this inconvenience and recommend that you contact us by using...
FRDS recrutează un Ofițer verificare cheltuieli proiecte
Fondul Român de Dezvoltare Socială (FRDS) intenţionează să contracteze, prin concurs, un Ofiţer verficare cheltuieli proiecte, cod COR 242104. Atribuţii şi responsabilităţi generale- Respectă regulamentul de implementare aferent Mecanismului financiar SEE/ Norvegian 2014-2021, Acordul de program, Acordul de implementare a programului, Acordul de implementare privind gestionarea fondurilor...