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FRDS - Programul Dezvoltare Locala > News  > Corrigendum no. 2 to the “Access to financing – 2020” call for proposals: July 27, 2020, the new deadline for submission of project proposals

Corrigendum no. 2 to the “Access to financing – 2020” call for proposals: July 27, 2020, the new deadline for submission of project proposals

The Romanian Social Development Fund, as Programme Operator of the Local Development Programme, financed by the EEA and Norwat Grants 2014-2020, announces the extension of the deadlines related to the processes of online account opening and submission of project proposals under the call “Access to financing – 2020 ”.

Thus, the deadline for opening online accounts required for the submission of project proposals is extended until July 22, 2020, at 16:00, and the deadline for online submission of project proposals is extended until July 27, 2020, at 17:00. These changes have been included in a corrigendum that eligible applicants are invited to consult, accessing corrigendum no.2 / 16.07.2020.
