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“An ant cannot overturn a mountain, but it can move it slowly, piece by piece”

Marin Preda


Launching date: December 6, 2018

The call provides support for the implementation of measures to reduce poverty and social exclusion at national and / or local level, measures aimed at developing the results of previously funded projects under the RO25 “Poverty Alleviation” Programme, funded by the Norway Grants 2009-2014.

As a result, the eligible applicants in this appeal are Association of the Christian Salvation Mission of Romania, Inter-Community Development Association Cluj-Napoca, Roma Education Fund Romania Foundation (REF), Institute for the Study of Problems of National Minorities, Representation in Romania of the United Nations Children’s Fund – UNICEF, Community Public Social Assistance Directorate of Craiova Municipality, Community Social Assistance Department of Timisoara Municipality.

The submitted projects will necessarily address the needs of at least one of the following main target groups:

  • People at risk of poverty and social exclusion
  • Children (aged 3-15) and young people (aged 16-24) at risk of poverty and social exclusion
  • Parents / tutors / other family members of children / young people at risk of poverty and social exclusion

Also, secondary target groups may benefit from the project activities. E.g:

  • Professionals and volunteers working with, or interacting with, disadvantaged groups (eg professionals and volunteers, teaching staff, staff and volunteers from social services, policemen, gendarmes, local government employees, etc.)
  • Community members interacting with the main target groups
  • Other categories of people who can help increase the impact of the project (employers, members of neighboring communities, etc.)

Examples of eligible activities:

  • Measures to increase access to basic social and medical services;
  • Measures aimed at increasing the access of disadvantaged children and young people to formal education (pre-primary, preschool, primary, secondary) and non-formal education;
  • Measures aimed at increasing access to the labor market;
  • Measures for improving living conditions;
  • Other measures that support efforts to combat poverty and reduce social exclusion (such as the exchange of experience between professionals from Romanian and Norwegian entities).

The amount allocated to this call is € 20,000,000, coming from the Norway Grants 2014-2021 (85%) and public co-financing (15%).

The minimum amount that can be claimed for the implementation of a project is 500,000 euro and the maximum amount is 5,000,000 euro.

Deadline for submitting projects: March 28, 2019.

It is expected that projects funded under the Poverty Reduction call will contribute to at least one of the following results:

people belonging to vulnerable groups receiving personalized social services
intervention patterns applied in working with vulnerable groups
cities / communes where social services for vulnerable groups will be provided

The list of projects submitted under the call

Friday, May 17, 2019, the RSDF published the list of projects submitted within the restricted call for projects Poverty Reduction.

Download the list

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May 8, 2019, the new deadline for submission of projects

The RSDF announces on Monday, March 25, 2019 the publication of Corrigendum no. 1 to the documents related to the restricted call for proposals Poverty Reduction. The RSDF extended the deadline for submission of projects within the call to 8.05.2019. The call papers have been reviewed in accordance with the Corrigendum and can be consulted by HERE.
