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“With people, for people”


3 predefined projects will be financed under the Programme, as follows:

  1. “Sustainable social and education integration through sport activities” implemented by the National University for Physical Education and Sports (UNEFS) Bucharest, in partnership with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences;
  2. “Capacity building in the field of public governance – a coordinated approach of the Centre of the Government of Romania” implemented by the General Secretary of the Government, in partnership with OECD; and
  3. “Improving access and quality of services to citizens” implemented by the Romanian Association of Communes (ACoR), in partnership with the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) and with the Association of Romanian Municipalities (AMR).


Download the package of documents

Sustainable social and education integration through sports activities

The project Sustainable social and education integration through sports activities is implemented in 24 counties from 8 development regions,  over a period of 48 months and aims to contribute to increasing the transition rate to higher secondary education (9th grade- ISCED 3).

By involving children and youth at risk in sports activities, together with other support measures, the PP and the partner aim for a new methodological approach for social integration, an approach that will later become a public policy. The target groups are 2,600 children and youth at risk of school dropout and social exclusion (including Roma and people with special education needs), 760 specialists working with the main target group and 800 parents.

Main activities

  • children: development of counseling and mentoring services, non-formal education for developing relationship / integration skills, hot meal insurance, organizing camps and sports competitions;
  • parents: information and awareness campaigns regarding the importance of education, counseling to increase the involvement in the education of children;
  • specialists: training and providing specific tools and methodologies for working with children / youth at risk.

The project includes research on the mechanisms of social exclusion, elaboration and testing of methodologies and tools that will lead to the educational and social integration of children and youth at risk, documents that will be the basis of a public policy in the field.

The project is implemented in partnership with Norwegian School for Sport Sciences (NSSS), a Norwegian university with extensive expertise in educational integration that will facilitate access to specific methodologies and examples of good practice.

Improving the access and quality of services for citizens - a transparent and responsible public administration

The project Improving the access and quality of services for citizens – a transparent and responsible public administration is implemented at national level, over a period of 36 months and aims to contribute to local development by increasing the capacity of the local public administration in Romania to fulfill its responsibilities.

In this regard, the project aims to increase transparency in decision-making and improve the integrity and responsibility of local elected officials and civil servants. The project is carried out in partnership with the Romanian Municipalities Association (AMR) and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) – which is also a program partner.

The project activities aim to set up an e-TIC information center which will mainly provide, through an online help desk, information and advice to ACoR and AMR members on ethical issues, transparency, conflict of interest and incompatibility, conducting training courses for representatives of local authorities, exchange of experience with similar associations in Norway and Moldova (Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova).

The target groups are represented by 3,300 representatives of local administrations (of which 2,000 beneficiaries from the commune level, 800 beneficiaries from the municipal level, 300 new elected officials – mayors, deputy mayors and local councilors and 200 elected officials and heads of municipalities. departments from 5 pilot communes and 3 municipalities).

Capacity building in the field of public governance - a coordinated approach of the Centre of the Government of Romania

under development


Start for the project Improving access and quality of services for citizens


On Monday, September 30, 2019, the RSDF and the Romanian Association of Communes (ACoR) signed the financing contract for the predefined project Improving the access and quality of services for citizens, implemented by ACoR, in partnership with the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) and with the Association of Municipalities of Romania (AMR).


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The project Sustainable social and educational integration through sports activities, launched by UNEFS in the presence of 120 guests


The National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest, in partnership with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, organized, on September 9, 2019, the launching conference of the predefined project Sustainable social and educational integration through sports activities.

In front of 120 guests took the word the Rector of UNEFS Bucharest, university professor Dr. Florin Pelin, the project coordinator, university professor Dr. Gabriel Ghițescu (UNEFS Bucharest), the representative of the partners from Norway, university professor Aage Radman (National School of Sport Sciences ), from the Norwegian Embassy, ​​the counselor on issues related to the EEA and Norwegian grants, Mrs. Grete Kristine Ødegaard, the COSR representative, Mr. Florin Mișcă, the president of the Sports Press Association, Mr. Dumitru Graur and the former councilor on minorities in the Ministry of National Education, Mr. Vasile Burtea.

The project benefits from a grant of € 4,450,000 provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants under the Local Development Program.

The objective of the project is to facilitate the educational and social integration of a number of 2,600 children at risk of exclusion, selected from the 8 development regions of the country, through integrated activities based on sport.