VIDEO. Projects funded by the Local Development Programme carried out actions to reduce the social and economic effects of COVID-19 among disadvantaged groups
Two projects financed under the Poverty Alleviation restricted call, namely, the ones implemented by Salvation Army and Cluj Metropolitan Area is conducting measures to reduce the social and economic effects of COVID-19.
On the one hand, in the context of the prevention of illnesses with the COVID-19 virus, under the project conducted by Salvation Army, a campaign is being carried out to support homeless people in Bucharest and Ploiesti, by providing food and social assistance services. At the same time, the project runs information and education programs on protection measures and the hygiene rules necessary to prevent the contact or spread of viruses, with direct transmission.
On the other hand, on Thursday 16, 2020, to help the severely deprived people from the Pata-Rat community, the project conducted by Cluj Metropolitan Area, have distributed 350 packages of food, an action that respected the protection measures imposed by the state of emergency. Each package was designed to cover four days, to ensure the minimum required until after Easter. In addition to sausages, bread, and pasta, each package also contained a cake.
A similar action took place on Tuesday, April 14, when packages were distributed for three days. The involvement of the Cluj Metropolitan Area comes in the context of visits made by the team of community facilitators of the project, during which the community members explicitly requested food support during this period.
Radio Free Europe covered, through a report, the action of the Cluj Metropolitan Area, a report that we invite you to watch:
Reportaj Radio Europa Liberă Pata-Rât from Zona Metropolitană Cluj on Vimeo.