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FRDS - Programul Dezvoltare Locala > News  > All 7 inclusive education projects approved were signed and entered into implementation

All 7 inclusive education projects approved were signed and entered into implementation

The RSDF published on Monday, November 16, 2020, the list of projects contracted under the call for Inclusive Education for children and youth at risk.

The total budget of the 7 funded projects is approx. 8 million euros. The grants awarded vary between 700,000 and 1,500,000 euros. All these projects aim to support children and young people at risk of dropping out of school, approx. three quarters of them also address the needs of children and young people with special educational needs. Hundreds of specialists who will work with these children and young people will benefit from training through the project, the parents being also actively involved in the activities planned through the funded projects.

Details on the implementation of all these projects will be provided and updated periodically by FRDS in the section dedicated to the call, within the web page allocated to the Local Development Programme.
