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The list of beneficiaries of the restricted call Poverty Reduction has been finalized

Out of the 7 “competitors” that submitted projects under the restricted call Poverty Reduction, launched in December 2018, only 3 will benefit from the financing of the proposed activities. These are the Salvation Army Christian Mission from Romania (promoter of the project SMART –Multifunctional antipoverty services for reintegration and transformation), the Association for Intercommunity Development Cluj Metropolitan Area – ADIZMC (which obtained the financing for the project Integrated Replicable Interventions for inclusive housing and marginalization combating in the Cluj Metropolitan Area) and the Representation in Romania of the United Nations Children’s Fund – UNICEF (promoter of the project Insuring social inclusion – breaking the vicious circle of exclusion in the case of the most vulnerable children in Romania).

If the project submitted by UNICEF is still in the contracting stage, the other two are already in the second year of implementation, with important intermediate results.

Multifunctional services for vulnerable persons in Bucharest, Iaşi and Ploieşti

By the end of the year 2020, under the SMART project implemented by the Salvation Army Romania, over 800 persons living on the streets or falling into other categories of vulnerability (more than half of the total number of beneficiaries targeted by the project) received information and counselling services, occasional roadside assistance, medical evaluation and treatment. Four social services (two day centres, one counselling centre and one service for people living on the streets) have been set up for this purpose in Bucharest, Iaşi and Ploieşti and operate according to the project.

Support for the Roma from Pata-Rât, Cluj-Napoca

During the same period, under the project Integrated Replicable Interventions for inclusive housing and marginalization combating in the Cluj Metropolitan Area, a Community Social Centre (CCS) became operational in Cluj-Napoca, through which educational, social and medical services are provided for vulnerable people form Cluj Metropolitan Area and, in particular, for the members of Pata-Rât community. Within the centre, more than 70 students have benefited from educational support end mentoring services during the last year, as well as from other school dropout preventing measures. Out of the four 8th grade students supported under the project, two entered top high schools in Cluj-Napoca, being the first students in Pata-Rât to access high school education. Also, through the centre, about 60 vulnerable adults benefited from social services (access to minimum income, child allowances, employment support, counselling, etc.), and access to medical services was facilitated for 41 vulnerable persons.   
