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Social inclusion through art, for children in rural areas

Theatre, dance, painting, photography and film workshops represent the main tools through which the project “I.M.P.A.C.T. – Inclusion and Motivation through Arts of Children and Youth” aims to increase the degree of social inclusion of children and youth in vulnerable situations, from rural areas. The initiative belongs to the Association of Arts and Spirituality ZAN ART and benefits from a grant of approx. 600,000 Euro, allocated from the Norwegian Grants under the Local Development Programme.

Officially launched on March 30, 2021, the project includes interventions aimed to reduce the risk of school dropout for 350 children and young people in the communes of Buneşti (Braşov County), Rucăr and Domneşti (Argeş County), Dragomireşti (Dâmboviţa County), Dumbrava (Prahova County), Ţepu (Galaţi County) and Breaza City (Prahova County).

Social inclusion through arts will be promoted at community and national level in an innovative way, through 7 painting and photography exhibitions where the works of the children included in the project will be exhibited, as well as through a community film. These events will be focused on promoting the human rights and social inclusion.

The project activities will also aim at developing the self-esteem and capacity to cope with emotional problems in the case of the children included in the project, through psychological and motivational support groups and by developing a psychological support methodology, through arts, for the benefit of 200 parents, also. During the launching event, Zâna Maria Barău, the president of ZAN ART association, expressed her confidence that the project will motivate the beneficiaries to continue school attendance:  

“The project acts in two directions: on one hand it creates IMPACT on 350 children with special educational needs or at risk of school dropout, mostly from rural areas, through their emotional, personal and social development, motivating them for school and life, through arts and personal development workshops. On the other hand, the project creates IMPACT at social, community and national level, on changing the discriminatory mentality regarding disadvantaged persons, with special educational needs or Roma, towards their social inclusion, through a community film and painting and photography exhibitions, to promote the fundamental human rights and liberties”.
