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FRDS - Programul Dezvoltare Locala > News  > Help-desk services for those preparing projects for the two active calls

Help-desk services for those preparing projects for the two active calls

Are you preparing a project for the calls Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment (Round 2) or Human Rights – National Implementation? We remind you that, in case you need clarifications on the provisions of the call documentation, you can use the help-desk services, available at Programme level. The requests for clarifications shall be sent to the e-mail address, a help-desk operator shall send you an answer within 72 hours.

So far, the help-desk service received and solved 65 requests for the call Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment (Round 2), respectively 20 for the call Human Rights – National Implementation. We remind you that, according to the Applicant’s Guide, requests for clarifications may be submitted no later than 10 days before the deadline for submission of project proposals, respectively until March 25, 2021 (inclusive) for the call Human Rights – National Implementation and until March 31, 2021 (inclusive) for the call Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment (Round 2).

After these dates, those who still have questions may consult the lists of questions and answers related to the two calls and available on the web page of the Programme

 (, under the sections dedicated to each call. This information is regularly updated, reflecting the most frequent and relevant requests for clarifications received by the Programme Operator. We recommend that you consult them before asking a new question, as the desired answer might already be found in these documents.

We mention that the questions regarding eligibility verification or content evaluation of the partnership, the idea and activities of the project, outcomes, etc. cannot be subject of clarifications addressed to the help=desk service.
