Call for proposal Access to financing – 2020: 18 projects admitted for content evaluation
The RSDF published on Monday, November 9, 2020, the updated list of projects submitted under the call Access to Financing – 2020 and admitted for the content evaluation stage. The list was updated following the analysis of the appeals filed after the publication of the results of the formal verification of the projects.
Through this call, the Local Development Programme provides funding to local authorities to support disadvantaged communities, by developing the technical documentation needed to make investments that generate local development and help reduce poverty.
Of the 35 projects submitted under the call in July 2020, only 18 passed the content evaluation stage. The total budget of these projects is approx. 570,000 euros. The requested grants range from 10,000 to 40,000 euros and aim to prepare investments necessary to improve access to education, through the construction and rehabilitation of schools and kindergartens, construction of multifunctional social centers, modernization of road and medical infrastructure, construction of bridges and expansion of water networks.
Given the increased interest shown by local authorities in accessing the funds available under the call and taking into account that the total funding allocated to it in 2020, amounting to 815,152 euros, will not be exhausted after the approval of the remaining projects in competition, that it will open a new round of funding under this call, in the period of December 2020 – February 2021.
We remind you that RSDF has simplified the procedure for accessing funds related to this financing line, by facilitating the online submission of project proposals. Those interested in submitting projects under the call, in the future, can consult here the documentation related to the previous round of funding.