Project implementation rules, explained to the teams involved in the implementation of 17 projects financed under the Local Development Programme
Representatives of 17 inclusive education and Roma inclusion and empowerment projects, financed or in contracting stage, participated on Thursday, February 18, 2021, in an online information session dedicated to the presentation of the project implementing rules.
The session was attended by 45 persons, representatives of Juvenala Association, Arts and Spirituality Association ZAN ART, Tunari Commune (Ilfov County), Suceava County Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance and Ştefan cel Mare University Suceava (involved in inclusive education projects), respectively of Roma Centre for Health Policies – Sastipen, “Caritas – social assistance” Alba Iulia branch, Amfiteatru, Pakiv Romania, Centre for Education and Human Rights, Community Development Agency “Ȋmpreună”, Save the Children Romania, Humanitarian association Romaniţa and Alba Iulia Municipality, Săcuieni City (Bihor County), Săsciori Commune (Alba County) and the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection Ialomiţa (involved in Roma inclusion projects).
In order to support the project teams in the project implementation process, the RSDF specialists presented the participants the general elements regarding the management of the projects financed under the Local Development Programme. The presentations focused on the main provisions of the financing contract, implementation, reporting and sustainability conditions of the projects, as well as rules to follow in the conduct of public procurement and financial management. The information session also included the presentation of the mandatory information and communication requirements, in accordance with the communication rules of the EEA and Norway Grants. The presentations were followed by question and answer sessions on the presented information.
Details on the implementation process of the projects financed under the Local Development Programme can be found in the Projects Implementation Manual, a document that can be consulted online.
This was the second online information event dedicated to the projects financed under the Programme. The first information session took place on December 10, 2020 and addressed the promoters of 7 projects financed under the call “Inclusive Education for Children and Youth at Risk”.