9,550 disadvantaged people will have access to personalized social services, funded through the Norway Grants 2014 – 2021
The contracting of the projects approved under the restricted call “Poverty Reduction” ended at the end of May 2021. The 3 beneficiary organizations have grants totaling 9,753,600 euros, to contribute, through personalized interventions, to reduce social exclusion and of poverty among the most vulnerable social categories in Romania.
The last contracted project is the one proposed by the UNICEF – Representation in Romania. In the next two and a half years, it will provide support to 3,400 children from urban and rural areas, from Bacău and Brașov counties, by implementing a model of integrated community services (focusing on children with disabilities and those of Roma ethnicity ). In addition, 3,000 parents and guardians will acquire general knowledge and skills of childcare through the project.
The two projects previously contracted under the call started in 2019, already registering significant results. Through the project “SMART – Multifunctional Anti-Poverty Services for Reintegration and Transformation”, carried out by the Association Christian Mission Salvation Army of Romania, has provided social, medical and school support to over 1,200 people in Bucharest, Iasi and Ploiesti, including over 800 homeless people. In turn, the project “Replicable integrated interventions for inclusive housing and combating marginalization in the Cluj Metropolitan Area”, of the Cluj Metropolitan Area Intercommunity Development Association, focused on reducing the social exclusion of vulnerable people in the Cluj Metropolitan Area (focusing on the disadvantaged area Pata -Rat from Cluj-Napoca), through a complex program that includes social, educational and housing support, which has so far included over 700 vulnerable people.
Launched in December 2018, the restricted call “Poverty Reduction” has made available to eligible applicants 20 million euros, for the initiation of measures to reduce poverty and social exclusion, implemented at national and / or local level, to ensure the capitalization and development of project results previously carried out through the RO25 Poverty Alleviation Programme, funded by the Norway Grants 2009-2014.
Find out more info about the project for reducing poverty funded trough Local Development Programme
sursa foto: https://www.facebook.com/armatasalvariiSMART