“Meseria” de părinte se învață! 32 de cadre didactice, profesori la „Școala părinților”
Perfecționarea părinților în “meseria” de părinte este o componentă importantă a proiectului „Prin educație spre vocație!”, finanțat de FRDS în cadrul apelului ”Educație incluzivă pentru copii și tineri în situații de risc”. În acest sens, în cadrul proiectului au fost organizate primele sesiuni de instruire dedicate cadrelor didactice...
List of projects submitted under the call Human Rights – national implementation
We publish on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, the list of projects submitted under the call Human Rights – national implementation. A total of 18 projects will enter the formal evaluation stage (verification of administrative compliance and eligibility), having a total value of approx. 23 million...
Employment opportunity! RSDF put up for competition two positions as project expenditure verification officer
The Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF) intends to contract, through a competition, two Project expenditure verification officers, COR code 242104. General attributions and responsibilities Complies with the implementation regulation related to EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, the Programme Agreement, the Programme Implementation Agreement, the Implementation Agreement on the...
Norway Grants support the prevention of the conflict of interests in local public administration in Romania
Starting with the month of January 2021, 82 mayors and public officers from several communes in Suceava, Botoșani, Vaslui and Galați counties have participated in training sessions on ethics and transparency, conflicts of interest and incompatibilities in local public administration. These were organized under the...
Social inclusion through art, for children in rural areas
Theatre, dance, painting, photography and film workshops represent the main tools through which the project “I.M.P.A.C.T. – Inclusion and Motivation through Arts of Children and Youth” aims to increase the degree of social inclusion of children and youth in vulnerable situations, from rural areas. The...
Call for projects Enhancing Roma inclusion and empowerment: April 12, 2021, the last day until you can request the opening of an online account for the electronic submission of the project proposal
We remind all those who intend to submit projects under the call Enhancing Roma inclusion and empowerment (round 2) that Monday, April 12, 2021 (17:00) is the deadline for requesting the opening of an online account (at the e-mail address office@frds.ro), the first necessary step...
Local Development Programme: The RSDF relaunched the small grant scheme “Access to funding-2021”
The Romanian Social Development Fund (FRDS), Programme Operator for the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Roma Inclusion” Programme (Local Development), funded by the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014 - 2021, relaunched on Thursday, April 8, 2021, the small grant scheme "Access to financing", under the name...
March 31, 2021 the last day you can ask for clarifications on the documentation of the call “Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment – 2nd round”
We remind all those who intend to submit projects under the call Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment (2nd round) that Wednesday, March 31, 2021, is the last day you can ask the help-desk service (at the e-mail address info@frds.ro) for clarifications on the documentation of the...
The Small Grant Scheme “ Access to financing” will be relaunched at the beginning of April
The documentation related to the call “Access to financing – 2021” is in an advanced stage of preparation, its launch being estimated for the first week of April 2021. The call is addressed to local authorities and envisages grants of amounts between 5,000 and 40,000...
The deadline for submitting projects under the call “Human rights – national implementation” is extended until April 22, 2021
The Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF) has decided to extend the deadline for submitting projects within the call for projects “Human Rights – national implementation” until April 22, 2021. This change was included in a corrigendum published on Monday, March 29, 2021, on the website dedicated...