The updated list of questions and answers regarding the call for proposals Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment
The RSDF published the updated list of questions and answers regarding the call for proposals Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment. Any entity interested in obtaining more details regarding the implementation of the Local Development Program or regarding the open calls within this program can contact...
Matchmaking seminar for local development projects carried out in partnership by entities from Romania and Norway
The RSDF intends to organize on September 19, 2019, in Bucharest, a seminar aimed at facilitating partnerships between entities from Romania and Norway for local development projects to be submitted under the Programme. The event is organized in the context in which the RSDF intends to...
The project Sustainable social and educational integration through sports activities, launched by UNEFS in the presence of 120 guests
The National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest, in partnership with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, organized, on September 9, 2019, the launching conference of the predefined project Sustainable social and educational integration through sports activities. In front of 120 guests took the...
RSDF launched Local Development call for proposals
The RSDF launched on September 10, 2019, the Local Development call for proposals. In total, the amount allocated to the call is 10,090,640 Euro, coming from the Norway Grants 2014-2021 (85%) and public co-financing (15%). The minimum value of the grant that can be requested for the implementation...
RSDF launched Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment call for proposals
The RSDF launched on September 11, 2019, Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment call for proposals. The total amount allocated to the call is 16,000,000 Euro, coming from the EEA Grants 2014-2021 (85%) and public co-financing (15%). The financial allocation is channeled into 3 thematic funding streams: Service provision...
List of project proposals submitted under the call Inclusive education for children and youth at risk and admitted for content evaluation
The RSDF announces, September 20, 2019, that it has published the list of project proposals submitted within Inclusive education for children and youth at risk call for proposals and admitted for content evaluation. Download ...