Victims of human trafficking and labor exploitation receive counseling and support through a project funded by the Local Development Programme
Trafficking in human beings and labor exploitation can be combated by better informing and advising vulnerable groups in the face of these dangers. To this end, the Romanian Salvation Army, through the project “S.M.A.R.T. - multifunctional anti-poverty services for reintegration and transformation ”, financed by...
Job opportunity: FRDS is looking for a project officer
The Romanian Fund for Social Development (RSDF) intends to hire, through a competition, a project officer. See the full job description ...
Small Grant Scheme Access to financing – 2020: the list of projects declared admitted following administrative evaluation, published
On Thursday, September 24, 2020, RSDF published the list of projects submitted under the Small Grants Scheme Access to Financing – 2020 declared admitted following the administrative evaluation (formal and eligibility). – >> Consult the list of projects admitted following the administrative evaluation ...
Lista proiectelor aprobate – apelul Educație incluzivă pentru copii și tineri în situații de risc
Vineri, 11 septembrie 2020, FRDS publică lista proiectelor aprobate în cadrul apelului Educație incluzivă pentru copii și tineri în situații de risc. –>> Consultă lista ...
Corrigendum no. 2 to the “Access to financing – 2020” call for proposals: July 27, 2020, the new deadline for submission of project proposals
The Romanian Social Development Fund, as Programme Operator of the Local Development Programme, financed by the EEA and Norwat Grants 2014-2020, announces the extension of the deadlines related to the processes of online account opening and submission of project proposals under the call “Access to...
Financial support for the exchange of best practices within the Local Development Programme
The Romanian Social Development Fund (FRDS), as Programme Operator for the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Roma Inclusion” Programme (Local Development), funded by the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021, launched on Friday, July 3, 2020, the call for proposals for bilateral initiatives aimed at...