RSDF is looking for a maintenance-development specialist in computer applications
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Integrated social services for three Roma communities in Tulcea and Gorj counties
Members of the local communities in Polovragi (Gorj), Hamcearca and Ciucurova (Tulcea) who are facing economic and social difficulties have access, starting with June 2021, to educational, social and medical services provided in three new community centers. These were established through the project "CCSI -...
Support for children from Sibiu County with parents who have gone abroad
SOS Children's Villages, together with its partners SOS Children's Village Norway and the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Sibiu, launched on June 16, 2021 the project "Development of an intervention model for children in vulnerable situations in Sibiu County", funded by the...
53 local public authorities, from 22 counties, requested in 2021 funds for the elaboration of technical documentation necessary for the realization of priority community investments
The total budget of the 53 projects submitted under the call Access to financing - 2021 is over 1.6 million euros, while the amount available through the call is 595,000 euros. We remind you that the call provides funding for the development of technical documentation...
The RSDF opens a line of financing to solve the most pressing problems of the Roma
On Thursday, July 15, 2021, the Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF) launched, within the Local Development Programme, funded by the EEA and Norway Grants 2014 - 2021, the Small Grants Scheme "Priority Interventions for Roma Communities". Thus, local public authorities (communes, cities / municipalities) and non-governmental...
9,550 disadvantaged people will have access to personalized social services, funded through the Norway Grants 2014 – 2021
The contracting of the projects approved under the restricted call "Poverty Reduction" ended at the end of May 2021. The 3 beneficiary organizations have grants totaling 9,753,600 euros, to contribute, through personalized interventions, to reduce social exclusion and of poverty among the most vulnerable social...
June 17, 2021, the deadline for projects submission under the call Access to financing – 2021 by local public authorities
The Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF) reminds those interested that June 17, 2021 is the deadline for the public local authorities to request funds for preparing technical documentations needed for the preparation of community investments, under the call “Access to financing – 2021”. Launched in April...
May, a month full of achievements under the project ”We Form the Future!”
In May, dozens of children and young people, social workers, psychologists, teachers, town hall representatives, medical staff, local police and priests from Bacău and Neamț counties have participated in a multitude of activities organized under the project “We form the future!”, activities dedicated to the...
STUDY: Personal development and career counselling, needs also felt by the secondary school students in Prahova and Neamţ counties
The results of a research conducted at the level of the school communities in Prahova and Neamț counties reveal that, for an adequate school and career evolvement, the students need personal development and career counseling courses. The study ”School dropout, challenges and problems – initial analysis of...
Documentation related to the call for projects “Priority interventions for Roma communities”, in public consultation
The Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF), Operator of the Programme “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Roma Inclusion” (Local Development), financed by the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021, intends to launch the call “Priority Interventions for Roma Communities”, the last of the calls for project...