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FRDS - Programul Dezvoltare Locala > Articles posted by FRDS (Page 5)

At the beginning of April, the Council of Europe organizes the conference “Roma youth: Together for Emancipation and Empowerment The role of history in the participation and inclusion of Roma young people”

Within the framework of the programme of the German Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, on the occasion of International Roma Day and the 50th Anniversary of the First Romani Congress, the Council of Europe is organising an online conference and public event titled Roma youth: Together...

Supplementation of the amount allocated to the call Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment, among the measures subject to a corrigendum published by RSDF

The Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF) decided to supplement the total amount allocated to the call for projects Enhancing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment, organized under the Local Development Programme. Thus, the amount allocated to the call increased from 7,806,133.95 Euro to 7,970,000.00 Euro.This modification was included in a...

Project implementation rules, explained to the teams involved in the implementation of 17 projects financed under the Local Development Programme

Representatives of 17 inclusive education and Roma inclusion and empowerment projects, financed or in contracting stage, participated on Thursday, February 18, 2021, in an online information session dedicated to the presentation of the project implementing rules. The session was attended by 45 persons, representatives of Juvenala...

Roma inclusion projects started in Alba, Gorj and Tulcea counties

Over 900 Roma persons belonging to disadvantaged groups will benefit from integrated inclusion and empowerment services, through two projects financed under the Local Development Programme, officially launched in February 2021. The promoters of these projects are the Roma Centre for Health Policies – SASTIPEN and...